As a freelance data expert, former CTO, and PhD in neuroscience, I leverage my deep expertise in data analysis, AWS cloud architecture, and DevOps/MLOps practices to support my clients in their projects. My unique background combines advanced technical skills with a strong understanding of human behavior, allowing me to design AI-driven solutions tailored to the specific needs of each business. Whether it's developing scalable systems, optimizing data pipelines, or delivering custom solutions, my goal is to help clients fully harness their data to make informed, data-driven decisions.
I harvest power of thoses tech to make solution to your problems
Python est un langage de programmation interprété, multiparadigme et multiplateformes. …Know more
SQL (sigle pour Structured Query Language, « langage de requêtes …Know more
Amazon Web Services (AWS) est une division du groupe américain …Know more
PostgreSQL est un système de gestion de base de données …Know more
Django est un framework web open source en Python. Il …Know more
Docker est une plateforme permettant de lancer certaines applications dans …Know more
GitHub est un service web d'hébergement et de gestion de …Know more
Debian est une distribution Linux, composée presque exclusivement de logiciels …Know more
Long ago, Actix Web was built on top of the …Know more
Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) est un système de gestion de …Know more
Power BI est un ensemble de services logiciels, d'applications et …Know more
R est un langage de programmation et un logiciel libre …Know more
The solutions I can offer to solve your problems
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